Emergencyphone Wiki


•      Stay calm & controlled.  People call the number for assistance and need to be confident that you are in control.

•      Speak clearly and slowly and listen carefully to the caller.

•      If you are stuck and do not know what to do take a number and tell them you will call back, then call a colleague for advice.

•      NEVER try to handle a serious incident on your own – always contact the director or student director for advice.

•      Keep a record of relevant information and action you have taken.

•      Always keep necessary papers with you.

•      When speaking to anyone, be clear and concise with your instructions.  Remember that students may find using the phone difficult and people may be under stress. Repeat things if necessary, speak clearly & slowly and don’t confuse matters.  It’s no good if the student feels that our emergency phone was useless to them.

•      If you miss a call, don’t worry. Check the call register and phone back. 

•      Always inform necessary people what’s happened when back in school.

•      Make notes about transfer problems on the transfer list – hand it to transfer coordinator on Monday.


•       If a person is being abusive to you on the phone, remain calm and tell them that you are hanging up the phone, you want to help them but once they have calmed down and able to communicate to you in a more appropriate way. Do not take these calls personally and remember not to be drawn into an argument.
